Emission Information – NH3

Overview > The PKU-NH3 inventory, led by Peking University (Yu Song), provides gridded ammonia emissions at 0.1° spatial resolution for China during 1980‒2018. This inventory is developed by a bottom-up approach that combines long-term yearly provincial/county-scale statistical data and localized emission factors. The monthly ammonia emissions are categorized into nine sectors: livestock, synthetic fertilizer application,…

Emission Information – Biomass

Overview > BJUT-OBB is an emission inventory of crop residue open burning in China, which developed by Beijing University of Technology under the support of Major Research plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and National Key Research and Development Program of China. BJUT-OBB was developed through integrating multi-source data including satellite remote…

Emission Information – PRD

Overview > The GBA-EI, led by Junyu Zheng of Jinan University, provides high-resolution gridded emissions for Guangdong province in 2017 and will be continuously improved and cover Macao and Hong Kong in the future. The emission inventory is developed by a bottom-up approach. By updating emission factors, activity data and allocation profiles, the resolution and…