Platform Instructions
The Data Platform is designed to promote the integration and sharing of the emission inventories from different sources. Users could integrate the shared data on the platform according to a specified priority and obtain a uniformly formatted emission inventory on the basis of personal needs. They could also upload their own data in accordance with the standard data exchange format, and integrate it with the shared data. The process is shown in the figure below:

Upload data: The Data Platform has designed standard data exchange formats for different types of data such as point sources, area sources and gridded data. And standard templates are provided for users to upload their own emission inventories to the Data Platform. The uploaded data could be visualized in the form of a map. Users could couple the uploaded data with multi-source and multi-scale emission inventories on the platform to generate an integrated emission inventory that meets their needs. The uploaded data is only visible to the user himself/herself. If users are willing to share emission inventories through the Data Platform, please contact
Select data: The platform displays the corresponding emission inventories according to the year specified by the user, which include both the data uploaded by the user and the shared data on the platform. Users could select data from them according to their own needs. Currently, the shared datasets on the Data Platform include the Multi-resolution Emission Inventory for China (MEIC), the Dynamic Projection model for Emissions in China (DPEC), and emission inventories from multiple research groups.
Set priority: When more than one emission inventory is selected, priority configuration is required, that is, to specify the priority order of different emission inventories. The Data Platform supports the online priority configuration, and provides a real-time preview of it. Therefore, users could check the emissions in which input data is used under the current priority configuration by a certain species, sectors and administrative area.
Select the output format: The Data Platform supports the gridded output data format, which requires users to set the spatial coverage, projection, spatial resolution, temporal resolution, species and the chemical mechanism for VOCs. The platform supports latitude and longitude projection and Lambert projection: For latitude and longitude projection, the output spatial range is determined by setting the latitude and longitude of the lower left corner and upper right corner, and several grid sizes given by the platform could be selected to determine the spatial resolution. For Lambert projection, users need to provide the relevant parameters of the projection setting and domain setting, and could preview the map generated based on the input parameters. The output data has two temporal resolutions: monthly and annually. Multiple chemical mechanisms are supported by the platform, including CBIV, CB05, SAPRC99, SAPRC07, and RADM2.
Integrate data: After completing the above settings, uses could click the “Integrate” button to submit the task. Based on the processes of emission source mapping, chemical species mapping, grid matching and spatial-temporal integration, the platform could integrate emission inventories with different sectors, species and spatial-temporal resolutions according to a certain priority to generate a uniformly formatted reanalysis products.
If you have any questions about the use of the Data Platform, please contact