INTAChigh resolution INTegrated emission inventory of Air pollutants for China

Overview >

The high-resolution INTegrated emission inventory of Air pollutants for China (i.e., INTAC) is a comprehensive emission inventory at a resolution of 0.1° for 2017. INTAC is developed by the MEIC team in collaboration with several scientific research institutions including Peking University, Jinan University, Nanjing University, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences, and Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science. INTAC has received support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Key R&D program of China, and the Major Project of High Resolution Earth Observation System. By developing an integrated modeling framework, we harmonized multi-source heterogeneous data including several up-to-date emission inventories at national and regional scale, and for key species and sources in China, to generate a 0.1° resolution inventory for 2017. By source mapping, species mapping, temporal disaggregation, spatial allocation and spatial-temporal coupling, different emission inventories are normalized in terms of source categories, chemical species, and spatiotemporal resolutions. This achieves the coupling of multi-scale, high-resolution emission inventories with the MEIC (Multi-resolution Emission Inventory for China), forming the INTAC with accurate representation of emission magnitudes and spatiotemporal patterns.

This inventory includes China’s gridded air pollutant emissions for 2017 by species, sector, month.

  • Species: SO2, NOx, CO, NMVOC, NH3, PM10, PM2.5, BC, OC
  • Sectors: power, industry, residential, transportation, agriculture, solvent use, shipping, open biomass burning
  • Temporal information: 2017; monthly
  • Spatial information: 70E-150E, 10N-60N; 0.1°

INTAC could be downloaded from the ‘Other Data’ module at If you have any questions about the inventory, please contact the MEIC team (

Readme >

  • INTAC is restricted to non-commercial purposes. Any uses of INTAC inventory by business organizations are regarded as commercial purpose which needs prior authorization.
  • Users are not permitted to distribute the emission inventory data to any third-party.
  • Users must ensure the data integrity and independence when using the emission inventory. Without explicit and prior authorization, no organization or individual is allowed to integrate any forms of the data into other emission products or models.
  • Papers, reports or products using the data should cite the related publications of INTAC.

Citation >

Wu, N., Geng, G., Xu, R., Liu, S., Liu, X., Shi, Q., Zhou, Y., Zhao, Y., Liu, H., Song, Y., Zheng, J., and Zhang, Q.: Development of a High-Resolution Integrated Emission Inventory of Air Pollutants for China, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss., 2024, 1-32, 10.5194/essd-2024-3, 2024.