MIXv2 dataset

Overview >

MIXv2 is a mosaic emission inventory for Asia for the years 2010-2017, which is an updated version of MIXv1. It is developed to support the Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia Phase IV (MICS-Asia IV) project by a mosaic of up-to-date regional and national emission inventories, including REAS v3 for Asia (Asia Center for Air Pollution Research/National Institute for Environmental Studies), MEIC for China (Tsinghua University), high-resolution NH3 and open biomass burning emission inventories for China (Peking University), an Indian power plant emission inventory (Argonne National Laboratory), national emission inventories for Japan (MOE-J and J-STREAM), the official Korean emission inventory from the Clean Air Policy Support System (CAPSS) for the Republic of Korea (provided by Konkuk University), and global emissions from GFED v4 for open biomass burning and EDGAR v6 for shipping.

MIXv2 provided anthropogenic and open biomass burning sources emission estimates for Asia for the years 2010-2017. The domain of MIXv2 covers 23 Asian countries and regions. Emissions are aggregated into seven sectors: power, industry, residential, transportation, agriculture, open_biomass and shipping. Ten chemical species are included, including both gaseous species and aerosol species: SO2, NOx, CO, NMVOC (non-methane volatile organic compounds), NH3 (ammonia), PM10 (particulate matter with diameter less than or equal to 10 μm), PM2.5 (particulate matter with diameter less than or equal to 2.5 μm), BC (black carbon), OC (organic carbon) and CO2. NMVOC emissions are speciated into model-ready inputs for three chemical mechanisms: CB05, SAPRC-99 and SAPRC-07. Monthly emissions are provided by sectors at a 0.1º× 0.1º resolution. Comparing with MIX v1, MIXv2 has a longer time coverage and has been updated until 2017. In addition, it has added emission from two sectors: Open_biomass and Shipping, and monthly emissions are provided by sectors at a higher resolution (0.25 degree for MIX v1). It has added SAPRC-07 chemical mechanism for NMVOC.

If you have any questions, please contact: Dr. Meng Li (meng.li.atm@gmail.com, Meng.Li-1@colorado.edu).

Readme >

  • The MIXv2 emission inventory is restricted to non-commercial purposes. Any uses of MIXv2 by business organizations are regarded as commercial purpose which needs prior authorization.
  • Users are not permitted to distribute the MIXv2 data to any third-party.
  • User must ensure the data integrity and independence when using MIXv2. Without explicit and prior authorization, no organization or individual is allowed to integrate any forms of the MIXv2 data into other emission products or models.
  • Papers, reports or products using the MIXv2 data should cite the related publications of MIXv2.

Data version >

  • 08/2023: MIXv2.2 updated to v2.3, with updates of CAPSS emissions for the Republic of Korea.
  • 08/2023: MIXv2.1 updated to v2.2, with updates of Asian NH3 emissions
  • 12/2022: MIXv2.1 released to the community.

Data download >

MIXv2 gridded emissions for 2010:
nine air pollutants and CO2 emissions     NMVOC-CB05     NMVOC-SAPRC99     NMVOC-SAPRC07     

MIXv2 gridded emissions for 2011:
nine air pollutants and CO2 emissions     NMVOC-CB05     NMVOC-SAPRC99     NMVOC-SAPRC07     

MIXv2 gridded emissions for 2012:
nine air pollutants and CO2 emissions     NMVOC-CB05     NMVOC-SAPRC99     NMVOC-SAPRC07    

MIXv2 gridded emissions for 2013:
nine air pollutants and CO2 emissions     NMVOC-CB05     NMVOC-SAPRC99     NMVOC-SAPRC07      

MIXv2 gridded emissions for 2014:
nine air pollutants and CO2 emissions     NMVOC-CB05     NMVOC-SAPRC99     NMVOC-SAPRC07     

MIXv2 gridded emissions for 2015:
nine air pollutants and CO2 emissions     NMVOC-CB05     NMVOC-SAPRC99     NMVOC-SAPRC07     

MIXv2 gridded emissions for 2016:
nine air pollutants and CO2 emissions     NMVOC-CB05     NMVOC-SAPRC99     NMVOC-SAPRC07     

MIXv2 gridded emissions for 2017:
nine air pollutants and CO2 emissions     NMVOC-CB05     NMVOC-SAPRC99     NMVOC-SAPRC07     

Citation >

Li, M., Kurokawa, J., Zhang, Q., Woo, J.-H., Morikawa, T., Chatani, S., Lu, Z., Song, Y., Geng, G., Hu, H., Kim, J., Cooper, O. R., and McDonald, B. C.: MIXv2: a long-term mosaic emission inventory for Asia (2010–2017), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 3925–3952, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-24-3925-2024, 2024.

Data description >

  • Gridded emissions are prepared in NetCDF format.
  • Filename format: MIXv2.3(inventory name)_Asia_xx(species name)_xxxx(year)_monthly(temporal resolution)_0.1dge(gird resolution).nc.
  • For each species, emissions by seven sectors are developed: Residential, Industry, Power, Transportation, Agriculture, Open_biomass, Shipping.
  • Spatial resolution: Domain: 60.05 E-153.95 E (center of grid, longitude), 14.95 S-59.95 N (center of grid, latitude). Dimension of dataset: 940 (cols) ×750 (rows) ×12 (months).
  • Units of gridded emissions: For CB05, SAPRC-99 and SAPRC-07 mechanisms: Mmol/month/grid (106 mol/month/grid); For other species: Mg/month/grid (106g/month/grid).
  • Species included: SO2, NOx, CO, NMVOC, NH3, PM10, PM2.5, BC, OC and CO2, in unit of Mg/month/grid (106g/month/grid).