SEIM global shipping emission inventory database is available now

2021-01-12 | Huan Liu

The SEIM (Shipping Emission Inventory Model) database of global shipping emission inventory developed by Huan Liu’s research group from the School of Environment of Tsinghua University has been launched recently. The SEIM database is developed based on data from high precision ship Automatic Identification System (AIS). The underlying database contains an average of 30 billion AIS signals and 350,000 ship technical parameter data worldwide and aims to provide the latest generation of inventory for multiscale air quality models. The high-resolution emission inventory fills the gap of shipping emissions in multiscale air quality models. The SEIM database has successively established high-resolution dynamic shipping emission inventories for ports in the world, East Asia, and China. The database has been used by the GAINS model, the United Nations Environment Program, etc. to support the research of Eurasian air pollutant emissions, and at the same time supports the research of the design and planning upgrade of the Chinese shipping emission control area.

Global shipping NOx emissions

The SEIM database currently provides gridded data (0.5°×0.5°) of global shipping emissions in 2017, covering 6 species of SO2, NOx, HC, PM2.5, CO, and CO2. Welcome to download and use the SEIM database through the new version of the MEIC website (

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“Atmospheric composition changes & climate and environmental impacts”